Performance Windsurfing Packages
Performance windsurfing package category features performance short boards with advanced rigs in complete package options. It targets intermediate to advance skilled riders who are seeking a new windsurfing kit or progressive riders seeking the next level of windsurfing excitement in a lower volume rear fin driven board for advancing their skill sets. We offer boards and rig combinations that facilitate long term growth.
The Boards are available in a variety of volumes and constructions. Most will be in the 100-160 liters of volume range. We offer board brands from RRD, Starboard, Fanatic, Tahe, Duotone and more. All are fin driven designs (no daggerboard) and feature a wide range of footstrap positions to foster your growth and performance demands.
The Rigs are available in a wide range of sizes. Most rig size options will be in the 4.7 – 7.5 m2 size. They all feature performance oriented freeride sails and are coupled with carbon masts, higher end alloy booms, extensions, 1-bolt bases and an uphaul. The Sail brands are from Ezzy, RRD, Duotone and more. The Masts are carefully selected to match the sail requirements and most are 60% carbon and higher in both SDM and RDM mast diameters. The Booms are from RRD, Aeron and Chinook. The bases are Aeron or Chinook brands.