Wind Foil Packages
Wind Foiling is an exciting wind powered water sport that combines windsurfing with hydrofoils for an exhilarating sensation of flying above the water combined with floating on air. The Hydrofoil generates lift (like an airplane under water) to allow riders to lift off above the water and accelerate very rapidly with very little resistance. Why would you want to try wind foiling? If you like an adrenaline rush and the feeling of planing on a windsurfing board – Wind Foiling can achieve the speed sensation and more in less wind. Once foiling your ability to sail up wind will amaze you and the sensation of flying above the water regardless of water surface conditions – will give you a feeling of riding through power on skis or snowboard – but over water. A smooth ride, flying sensation and very quite ride when foiling.
We offer Wind foil packages that include a board and a wind foil appropriately matched for beginner to advanced foiling skills.
The boards tend to be short in length and wide n width to accommodate uphauling with the sail, comfort while non-foiling and room to move your feet and body weight once you’re up and foiling.
The Boards usually vary in volume from 100 – 180 liters of volume. Most common sizes are between 120 – 165 liters. Most windfoil boards feature a foil ready Tuttle box for mounting the foil to the board. Some models offer a Track box system for pedestal mount foils, and some boards offer both box systems to accommodate multi sport foiling options.
Foils for wind foiling vary in size and construction. Most foils we package with boards are designed for easy learning and a wide wind range. The surface area of these foils are usually in the 1450 – 1750 cm2 front wing surface area – that is ideal for early lift off and excellent glide in 10-20 mph wind range of use.
We offer boards and foils from RRD, Tahe, Fanatic, Duotone, Slingshot and more.