Selecting a windsurf board, wind foil board or wingboard can be challenging. You can filter our boards by experience level, board size, price and brand. If you'd like more help and want to speak with a windsurfing or wing foiling expert.
We're available at 800-473-1153 from 9:30am ct - 5pm ct M-F.
Our Exclusive Windsurf Board Double Boxing Process
The Isthmus Team double boxes all windsurfing boards that ship from our warehouse at no additional cost to you to ensure the board you've ordered arrives safe and protected. We use custom made, double walled, heavy duty cardboard that can absorb up to an additional 350lbs of pressure to wrap a 2nd layer of protection around your board. This exclusive double boxing process equates to about 25 minutes of additional staff time to prepare your shipment and an additional $49 in cardboard used to protect your board.