Duotone Eagle 188 w/ Daggerboard Windsurf Package
Duotone Eagle 188 DB
Board Category: Windsurfing Entry to Progressive Freeride
Duotone Eagle 188 DB – Entry for rapid growth and or smaller riders.
The Duotone Eagle DB is a progressive freeride board that has a daggerboard. Ideal for riders and situations where a daggerboard can allow a rider to chose when to use and when to retract it while riding. The retractable daggerboard system is great while learning or lighter
winds. It is also great for aiding in stability and upwind capabilities when needed. This revolutionary windsurfing board was designed to break down barriers for beginners and provide a seamless progression into windsurfing planing performance. Available in two sizes – the 188 DB and 168 DB. The board's versatility makes it a one-time investment, suitable for lifelong use and teaching others. It features a lightweight center fin insert for stability, stance markers for foot placement, and customized footstrap positioning options. The comfortable 70% EVA deck and durable Epoxy Sandwich construction to ensure a smooth and enjoyable windsurfing experience from the first glide to mastering power jibes. The 188DB size and width – provides sufficient volume to work even as a pure beginner‘s board, yet at the same time, the Eagle DB concept is geared towards rapid learning and effortless planing (with the daggerboard retracted). With a bit of teaching, or through following Duotones soon to be launched YouTube tutorial scheme even complete beginners can have their first gliding experience on the very first day already. This is the moment you become hooked for life on the world’s greatest sport!
Best of all, the Volume yet control concept ensures that the Eagle 188 DB can still be ridden in powered up 6.5 conditions blasting and lay down jibing when the daggerboard is retracted. One board for life and perfect for teaching your family and friends too! This board covers a tremendous range of use.
For your first gliding/planing attempts the Eagle DB features STANCE MARKERS on the board. This way you know exactly where to place your feet until you are ready to progress into the footstraps. When it comes to the footstraps, there are many different options depending on your ability and size so you can find a comfortable starting position and move them further backwards and outboard as you progress.
- Progressive Freeride board with a daggerboard.
- 2 size: 188 DB, 168 DB.
- Epoxy Sandwich Construction.
- 70% EVA covered deck pad. Include stance markers for proper body positioning.
- Built in nose cone = Prevents nose damage from rig slams.
- Multiple footstrap positioning inserts to adapt to your skill level.
- Bottom Shape: Progressive double concave V front to back: ideal compromise between performance, maneuverability and control and comfort even in rough chop.
- Deck Shape: Flatter deck shape for comfortable stance and maximum control during jibes.
- Outline: Slightly longer and therefore less curved outline avoids the board from bouncing around in choppy conditions and improves passive planing. This also allows to increase the volume which results in a much more confident, predictable and relaxed riding position.
- Rail Shape: Medium rail diameter in the nose and center offer an ideal blend of performance and maneuverability. Thinned out ergonomic rails towards the tail for increased jibing success rate.
- Rocker line: Longer flat between the straps for better passive planing, more stability and easier jibing and tacking.
- Retractable Dagger board system.
- Dagger board is plastic 61 cm length.
- Fin Box: Power Box.
- Includes 1 fins: F-ride 40 and 48 cm
- 4 x’s Premium footstraps.
Sizes / Specs:
168, 188.
168 DB = 255 x 83 cm, 12.6 kg. F-ride 48 fin, 61 cm Daggerboard
188 DB = 260 x 90 cm, 13.5 kg. F-ride 48 fin, 61 cm Daggerboard
* Stocking 188 DB – call if interested in 168 size option.
Epoxy Sandwich Technology: Durable, affordable sandwich construction for everyday use. Duotone exclusive super-light EPS core is covered with a 70% wood sandwich. Additional glass reinforcements around critical impact zones ensure structural integrity. A thick, durable outer skin gives the hull maximum strength and also makes it resistant to shock and impacts.