Aeron 1-Bolt Diablo - EP Base
AeronAeron Diablo 1-Bolt EP Base
Base Category - 1-Bolt Euro Pin (EP) Base
Aeron Diablo 1-bolt Urethane UJ EP Base - New!
This New 1-bolt Base form Aeron features a Urethane UJ with Web Strap safety leash. Developed for riders who like a ultra low connection, the feeling of a Tendon base - with similar performance. For use with EuroPin system mast extensions. This is a clean 3 spoke twist-on design with Rubberized spokes so it's easy on your feet if you step on it. It allows ease of securing to your board and removal at end of sessions. Featuring a EuroPin that has a double groove allowing it to fit the most common EP base extension couplings.
* Special note - The EP upper pin of the Aeron - Is Not Compatible with some modern Bic / Tahe Auto mastfoot Uppers.